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  • 供应信息
  • RETZ品牌 进口万向联轴器 万向节

  • 公司名称:裕原流体控制(上海)有限公司(未认证,交易需谨慎) 
  • 联系电话:86-21-31265665 13681812199
  • 传真:86-21-31265665 
  • 联系地址:上海市金山工业区亭卫公路6495弄168号5幢(时兴园区) 
  • E-MAIL:fawkes021@163.com 
  • 联 系 人:林人杰 先生 
  • 发布时间:2024/3/16 14:45:47
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  • 认证信息未通过认证
  • 建材指数:0
  • 会员评价总数:0
  • 公司经营模式:经销商
  • 详细信息


进口万向联轴器万向节产品用途 Product use

1.适用于各种通用机械场合,销钉方块结构 使用1000转/分,滚针轴承结构 转速可达4000转/分,建议实际使用转速在 转速的50%以内使用 It is applicable toall kinds of general mechanical occasions. The maximum speed of pin blockstructure can be 1000 rpm, and the maximum speed of needle bearing structurecan be 4000 rpm. It is recommended that the actual speed be used within 50% ofthe maximum speed

2.适用于联结空间同一平面上两轴夹角每节极限转动角度为45度,允许使用角度30度以内Applicable to the included angle of two shafts on the same ne of theconnecting space. The limit rotation angle of each section is 45 degrees, andthe allowable angle is within 30 degrees

3.所提供的快速锁紧装置仅有公差为H7的成品孔,带标准的键槽或六角孔可选,可非标定制不同安装结构 The provided quicklocking device only has finished hole with tolerance of H7, with standardkeyway or hexagonal hole optional, and different installation structures can becustomized non-standard

4.适用于联结空间同一平面上两轴轴线夹角≤30°的传动 Applicable to thetransmission with the included angle of two axes on the same ne of theconnecting space ≤ 30 °

5.传递公称转矩11.2-1120N.m.(可定制更大扭矩)Transmi 0 N.m. (larger torque can be customized)

6.常规键槽顶丝孔,可按照要求定制不同孔型和固定方式 Conventional keyway jackscrewhole can be customized with different hole types and fixing methods accordingto requirements

7.允许两轴间夹角在限定的范围内随工作需要而变动 The included angle between thetwo shafts is allowed to change with the work needs within the limited range

进口万向联轴器万向节结构特点 Structural features

产品材 殊材质 Product material: conventional40Cr high carbon steel, customized 304 316 and other special materials

1.万向节销钉、衬套和方块体采用合金钢40Cr、40CrNi、20CrMo或者20CrMnVB等制造Universal joint pins, bushings and blocks are made of high-quality alloy steel40Cr, 40CrNi, 20CrMo or 20CrMnVB

2.万向节所有零件均可以用SUS304、SUS316不锈钢定制All parts of universal joint can be customized with SUS304 and SUS316 stainlesssteel

3.万向节两轴套可以采用高强度铝合金定制,或者绝缘尼龙定制 Universal joint two shaftsleeves can be customized with high-strength aluminum alloy or insulating nylon

4.下表中扭矩范围为滑动轴承形式,带滚针轴承扭矩为滑动轴承的1/2 The torque range in thefollowing table is in the form of sliding bearing, and the torque of needlebearing is 1/2 of that of sliding bearing

5.两端联接方式可定制成内花键轴孔,花键轴,光轴加销孔,光轴加键槽,四方轴,六方轴,小型法兰等形式,具体参数请来电咨询 The connection modeof both ends can be customized into internal spline shaft hole, spline shaft,optical shaft plus pin hole, optical shaft plus keyway, square shaft, hexagonalshaft, small flange, etc. For specific parameters, please call


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