品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制和测控领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口智能定位器和气动执行器配套使用。通过接收来自控制系统的4-20mADC电流信号得到阀位控制设定值,同时采集位置传感器信号得到实际的阀位值,两者通过控制软件的计算处理,从而控制气动执行机构的进气和排气,驱动阀位到达设定点retz Intelligent locator and pneumaticactuator are used together. By receiving a 4-20mADC current signal from thecontrol system, the valve position control setting value is obtained, while theposition sensor signal is collected to obtain the actual valve position value.Both are calculated and processed by the control software to control the intakeand exhaust of the pneumatic actuator, driving the valve position to reach theset point 产品详情 Product details 进口智能定位器采用微处理器和新型压电阀代替传统定位器中的喷嘴、挡板调压系统来实现对输出压力的调节控制。通过CPU运算处理来实现对阀门开度的输入信号和阀位的反馈信号的控制。压电阀由于质量小,可以释放很短的控制脉冲,从而达到很高的定位精度,且压电阀只有在阀门有偏差并执行调节动作时才耗气,所以可以实现低耗能的目的。 Dv6300 seriesintelligent valve positioner adopts microprocessor and new piezoelectric valveto re ce the pressure regulating system of nozzle and baffle in thetraditional positioner to realize the regulation and control of output pressure.The input signal of valve opening and the feedback signal of valve position arecontrolled by CPU operation and processing. Due to its small mass, thepiezoelectric valve can release a very short control pulse, so as to achievehigh positioning accuracy, and the piezoelectric valve only consumes gas whenthe valve has deviation and executes the adjustment action, so the purpose oflow energy consumption can be achieved. 进口智能定位器行程范围 Travel range 常规型直行程∶10~100mm Conventional straight stroke: 10~100mm 常规型角行程∶30~100° Conventional angular stroke: 30~100 ° 分体式∶5~25mm Split type: 5~25mm 安装支架可选∶硬连接或软连接 Mounting bracket optional: hard connection or softconnection 注∶远传型行程范围同常规型一致 Note: thetravel range of remote transmission type is consistent with that ofconventional type 进口智能定位器主要技术参数 外壳材质 铝合金 信号输入 4-20mA DC 小工作电流 3.8mA 输入阻抗 120Ω 环境温度 常规版本:-20°C~+70°C 低温版本:-40°C~+70°C T4环境下防爆温度为+60°C T6环境下防爆温度为+40°C 气源要求 符合ISO8573-1 固体颗粒大小和密度3级 露点3级 含油量3级 抗振动性 0.15mm,10Hz-60Hz,20次循环 Hz,20 次循环/轴 整个控制阀连续运行时的推荐范围≤20 m/s2,无谐振峰值 气源压力 0.14-0.7MPa |