品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口卫生级径向隔膜阀、气动径向隔膜阀主要应用于制药、生物科技、卫生 、化妆品以及食品等行业。阀体内部抛光处理光洁度Ra≤0.5um,以满足生物制药工业的要求 Retz importedsanitary grade radial diaphragm valves and pneumatic radial diaphragm valvesare mainly used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology,healthcare, cosmetics, and food. The internal polishing finish of the valvebody Ra ≤ 0.5um to meet the requirements of the biopharmaceutical industry 进口卫生级径向隔膜阀、气动径向隔膜阀在制药行业中,该阀门可用作过程控制阀、定量给料阀、取样阀以及无菌排泄阀等等In thepharmaceutical industry, this valve can be used as a process control valve,quantitative feeding valve, sampling valve, sterile discharge valve, and so on. 进口卫生级径向隔膜阀、气动径向隔膜阀在食品行业中,该阀门常被用作引导装置,如取样阀、定量给料阀(例如添加CO2/Nitrogen到啤酒中,添加调料到饮料中) In the foodindustry, this valve is often used as a guiding device, such as a samplingvalve and a quantitative feeding valve (such as adding CO2/Nitrogen to beer andseasoning to beverages) 品牌:RETZ 规格SIZE:3/4~2-1/2" 温度Maxtemperature:-20到150℃ 压力Maxpressure:10bar 阀体材质materialquality:SS304、 316L 膜片材料Diaphragm:EPDM、PTFE 执行方式:手动/气动可互换 执行器气压:5bar-6bar 全新的膜片设计 自排空功能 死角 小化 卓越KV值 CIP/SIP杀菌和清洗 连接方式Connectionmethod:焊接、卡箍Welding, clamps RETZ的卫生级阀门可以满足工控系统的截断、安全、控制、洁净的控制产品涵盖了:进口卫生级隔膜阀、蝶阀、球阀、安全阀、截止阀、疏水阀、泵、取样阀、电磁阀、电动阀、气动阀、调节阀 |