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  • RETZ瑞茨品牌 进口不锈钢隔膜阀 白钢无衬里隔断阀

  • 公司名称:裕原流体控制(上海)有限公司(未认证,交易需谨慎) 
  • 联系电话:86-21-31265665 13681812199
  • 传真:86-21-31265665 
  • 联系地址:上海市金山工业区亭卫公路6495弄168号5幢(时兴园区) 
  • E-MAIL:fawkes021@163.com 
  • 联 系 人:林人杰 先生 
  • 发布时间:2024/3/25 12:39:29
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  • 认证信息未通过认证
  • 建材指数:0
  • 会员评价总数:0
  • 公司经营模式:经销商
  • 详细信息

品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口不锈钢隔膜阀关闭件-软质隔膜,由阀杆控制并做上、下运动以切断介质。操纵机构和介质由隔膜隔开,只有阀体和隔膜会与介质相接触,其他的阀杆及零部件等并不会接触,因此常常用于卫生级管道环境和有着特殊介质接触规定的环境RetzImported stainless steel diaphragm valve closure component - soft diaphragm,controlled by the valve stem and performing up and down movements to cut offthe medium. The operating mechanism and medium are separated by a diaphragm,and only the valve body and diaphragm will come into contact with the medium.Other valve stems and components will not come into contact, so they are oftenused in sanitary pipeline environments and environments with special mediumcontact regulations




控制Control:手动、气动、电动Manual,pneumatic, electric

进口不锈钢隔膜阀主要性能 Mainperformance

堰式隔膜阀:阀体内有一个屋脊形的隆起,隔膜与阀瓣接触,阀杆上、下运动并且通过阀瓣带动隔膜与屋脊接触以达到隔断通道的目的。隔膜与尾脊不接触时具有一定节流作用,行程短对隔膜挠变要求较低,无淤积介质的死角retz Weirdiaphragm valve: there is a ridge shaped ridge in the valve body. The diaphragmcontacts the valve disc. The valve rod moves up and down and drives thediaphragm to contact the ridge through the valve disc to block the passage.When the diaphragm is not in contact with the tail ridge, it has a certainthrottling effect, short stroke, low requirements for diaphragm deflection, andno dead angle of silting media.

直通式隔膜阀:阀体内部似直管形,阀门全开时介质直流无阻。因此流体阻力小,切断与流动能力佳,耐腐蚀切能包容颗粒状介质Straight through diaphragm valve: the inside of the valve body is like astraight pipe, and the medium is direct and unobstructed when the valve isfully opened. Therefore, the fluid resistance is small, the cutting and flowcapacity is good, the corrosion resistance is high, and the granular medium canbe contained

进口不锈钢隔膜阀技术性能规范Technical performance specifications

1   阀体/阀盖   HT250   WCB   CF8   CF8M   CF3   CF3M  

2   阀瓣/阀杆   35   1cr13   SS304   SS316   SS304L   SS316L  

3   衬里/阀座   PTFE(F4)、PCTFE(F3)、FEP(F46)、PFA(可溶性F4)  

4   隔膜   FEP(F46)/CR(氯丁橡胶)、PFA(可溶性F4)/FPDM(乙丙橡胶)  

5   支架   WCB   CF8   CF8  

6   阀杆螺母   ZCuAI10Fe3   ZCuAI10Fe3   ZCuAI10Fe3  

7   紧固螺栓   35   1Cr17Ni2   1Cr18Ni9Ti  

8   螺母   45   0Cr18Ni9   0Cr18Ni9  

9   手轮   WCB   WCB   WCB  

RETZ的隔膜阀可以满足工控系统的截断、调节、防腐、粘性流体、纤维质流体、泥浆、污泥、悬浮固态物、卫生洁净等流体的控制RETZ'sdiaphragm valve can meet the requirements of industrial control systems forcutting off, regulating, anti-corrosion, viscous fluid, fibrous fluid, mud,sludge, suspended solids, hygiene, and other fluid control

产品涵盖了:进口气动隔膜阀、电动隔膜阀、衬胶隔膜阀、衬氟隔膜阀、直通式隔膜阀、角式隔膜阀、美标隔膜阀、德标隔膜阀、日标隔膜阀、英标隔膜阀、搪玻璃隔膜阀、真空隔膜阀、不锈钢隔膜阀、卫生级隔膜阀、无衬里隔膜阀、PVC隔膜阀、PFA高洁净氟塑料隔膜阀、高纯膜片阀Theproducts cover: imported pneumatic diaphragm valves, electric diaphragm valves,rubber lined diaphragm valves, fluorine lined diaphragm valves, straightthrough diaphragm valves, angle diaphragm valves, American standard diaphragmvalves, German standard diaphragm valves, Japanese standard diaphragm valves,British standard diaphragm valves, glass lined diaphragm valves, vacuumdiaphragm valves, stainless steel diaphragm valves, sanitary grade diaphragmvalves, unlined diaphragm valves, PVC diaphragm valves, PFA high cleaningfluorine stic diaphragm valves, high-purity diaphragm valves

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